
Written by
These rules have been created to allow fair play on our server. Creating loopholes for your personal advantage is not tolerated.
By closing this page means you have read the rules and agreed to comply by them.
Last updated: 14/04/20

Steam Workshop:

Section 1 - Player Conduct
1.1 - Do not do anything that may harm the server (such as crashing/lagging the server).
1.2 - Exploits: Do not use any exploits that may occur on the server, if you do there will be a severe punishments.
1.3 - Do not prop climb, kill, block, bridge, push, trap or spam.
1.4 - Do not mess with Admins who are on Duty, so you shouldn't interact with them as they are not included in the role-playing.
1.5 - Scamming and Blind Auctions are not allowed.
1.6 - Do not impersonate any member of the administrative team.
1.7 - Muggings/Kidnappings must take place in a private area.
1.8 - No players may build in fountain/fountain area.
1.9 - Do not disconnect to avoid a administrative situation (LTA)
1.10 - You are expected to not spawn f4 entities/props in jail, in jail you should wait out your punishment
1.11 - When selling F4 entities to other players you are expected to stay online the server for at least 1 hour.
1.12 - When speaking to another player you are expected to speak to them in a appropriate manner - No personal remarks directed at players will be tolerated. 
1.13 - Racism or Racist/Sexist remarks will not be tolerated
1.14 - Chat spam will not be tolerated

Section 2 - Role-playing Rules
2.1 - Random Death Match (RDM) - Killing a player must have a valid 'role-play reason'.
2.2 - New Life Rule (NLR) - When you die you must forget your past life and you cannot return to your place of death within 5 minutes.
2.3 - Job Abuse - Do not abuse jobs in anyway. (Especially Civil Protection who tend to randomly jail people)
2.4 - Explosives - Do not use explosives in a public area, every kill that you make would be a violation of rule 2.1 (RDM)
2.5 - Leaving to Avoid Role-play - Do not disconnect, suicide or change jobs to avoid role-play or punishment.
2.6 - Mic-spam is not tolerated and you will be punished if you are caught doing so.
2.7 - Spawn Kill - Do not immediately kill players as they leave the safe-zone, this is because they have only just re-joined the RP again
2.8 - Kidnapping - You must make a reasonable attempt to take the Mayor before opening fire upon the Mayor.
2.9 - Hobos - Hobos may not own a door however they are allowed to make a small shack on the streets.
2.10 - PD Building - Only the Mayor can build in the Police Department.
2.11 - If your friend is a hitman you may not help them complete their hit. It does not matter what gangs you are in. You could only interfere if the person shot you directly.
2.12 - FailRP - Do not act out of character in any role-play situation. You must RP in a realistic manner.
2.13 - FearRP - If guns are involved in an role-play situation you must not risk or take your life. This would be such as not following a command when being kidnapped or mugged. If you already have a weapon equipped you may protect yourself.
2.14 -  Trespassing - If you are caught trespassing in someone else's base you can be killed on sight.
2.15 - Terror - You can not advert Terror in /advert and commit Terror, this will be classed as RDM.
2.16 - Mugging - You can not mug a player within the streets. You may only mug players in private eye, e.g: private property or an alley-way.
2.17 - Using Spawn - You cannot use spawn during RP situations - only to use the slot machines, or sell entities are allowed, running into spawn to avoid RP is prohibited
2.18 - Battering Ram - It can only be used when there is a warrant and may only be used on fading doors - Abuse of this will lead to demotion of the job
2.19 - Warnings - You must warn a player 3 times before firing at the player - Each warn must be adverted and have a 5 second interval before warning again. 

Section 3 - Building Rules
3.1 - Do not abuse the fading door - You must use buttons or keypads (See 3.2)
3.2 - Keypads must be working, have a hold length of 5 seconds, and if there is a delay it can be a maximum of 5 seconds
3.3 - Fading Doors - You are only allowed 4 fading doors for the entrance of your base. You are allowed 2 fading doors to protect entities such as Printers.
3.4 - Do not build out on the streets or anywhere public. However the Hobo class, gun dealer and hitman is an exception. They can build on the sidewalks 
3.5 - Do not interfere with people that are building - This is indicated by a building sign, they may kill you if you enter their base during this time
3.6 - No GIFs or offensive material on text signs and keep your signs in role-play (no random signs and especially no inappropriate sprays).
3.7 - Do not build on rooftops unless they are connected to a staircase and you own the building beneath it
3.8 - You may not abuse textscreens in any way, for example covering up a door or printers. Also you may not sign minge (spamming signs/innappropriate-- or offensive signs) If you have a KOS sign it must be readable, it is up to staffs judgement. Once KOS always KOS is not a reason
3.9 - IBD (Invalid base design) - Up to the judgement of the staff member
3.9.1 - Shooting windows must be the height and width of a plastic crate (Staff will show you the prop if unsure)
3.9.2 - Not fence stacking
3.9.3 - Fences must be the default material if not, they must be a solid material that doesn't move and the opacity must be changed to 125
3.9.4 - No crouch/maze/jump bases
3.9.5 - A clear path through the base must be seen
3.9.6 - Shooting windows may not be above or below the player and the player must be able to shoot back without crouching
3.9.7 - Shooting windows must be open for a minimum of 5 seconds, this allows players raiding to fight back
3.9.8 - At least 2 people must be able to fit between 2 fading doors in a base (Not stacked on one another)
3.9.9 - You may not stack fading doors ( It prevents SWAT access and lockpick access )
3.10 - Keypads must be obvious (Fake/Hidden keypads will not be tolerated) They must be placed so that they are not on the floor or ceiling when hacking them
3.11 - You must not have more than 4 turns while entering the base, Eg a base cannot have loads of fences you have to navigate in order to get to the fading door
3.12 - Your build must not be explicit in any form, this includes sexual nature, discrimination to any religion/race/ethnicity. 

Section 4 - Raiding Rules
4.1 - Raid Times - You may only raid the same base after 15 minutes
4.2 - You must only camp a base with F4 entities for a maximum of 10 minutes.
4.3 - Adverts - You have to advert raids.
4.4 - Meta-Gaming - You may not use knowledge of the persons passcodes to raid 
4.5 - You may not raid any non criminal jobs such as pizza chef, DJ, etc, only gun dealer, banker and bitcoin miner is the exception.
4.6 - PD Raid - Only in groups of 2 or more, must be adverted in chat, Only terrorists and thieves can raid the PD
4.6.1 - Terrorists raid the PD to get the major hostage while the thieves do it to release they're friends, without a valid RP reason, the raid is deemed unnecessary and will be not be allowed
4.7 - No minge raids, raiding to kill without taking any items or just to annoy said player being raided, would be considered failrp.

Dark RP Rules

Written by
Server workshop:
Server discord:

Social Rules

Don't be sexist, racist or offensive doing so will not be tolerated and will result in a ban.
Don't threaten other players on the server.
Be respectful and nice to each other.

Prop Rules
Don't Prop push anyone or anything.
Don't Prop abuse.
Don't Prop kill.
Don't use massive props.
Don't Prop climb.
Don't Prop block

Basic Rules
Don't RDM.
Don't break NLR(5mins).
Don't advertise other servers
Don't harass other players
Don't LTAP
Don't mic spam
Don't chat spam
Don't kill in spawn
Don't RDA
Always listen to staff

Building Rules
Don't build a base with fading doors without a keypad.
Have minimum 5 seconds on your keypad.
Don't make crouch bases.
Don't have entities e.g Printers In your base when building it.
Don't fading door abuse e.g opening your fading doors with your hotkey on your keyboard.
Don't no-colide abuse
You can have a max of 4 fading doors
Mega basing requires 4 or more players to be basing together
Fences must be see through
Kos lines must be on the path right outside you entrance
Loitering is not a valid reason to kill
You do not need a kos sign if the building has a default door but if you are using a fading door then you need a kos sign
No world glow abuse(you are allowed world glow as long as you do not shoot throught them)
Fully black bases are not allowed if you want to know if your base is acceptable by asking a high up staff member.

10min cooldown on the same person

Kidnapper - 10min cooldown(15 for same person)
Thiefs - You may mug someone every 5mins(10 for the same person) the max amount is 20k you cannot be in a public place and the person you are mugging cannot a have a gun out while you attempt to mug them you cannot mug hobos.
Meth cooks cannot mug/raid
Monsters must advert attack and then can kos for 5mins the cooldown is 15mins per /advert attack

Basic terms of rp
OOC - Out Of Character
IC - In Character
RDM - Random Death Match
NLR - New Life Rule
FDA - Fading Door Abuse
RDA - Random Arrest
Meta - Metagaming
CP - Police (Civil Protection)
LTAP - Leaving To Avoid Punishment
RP - Role-Play
IRL - In Real Life
NITRP - No Intent To RP

Lockpicking/keypad cracking anything makes you instant kos to the owner